Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | computer | display | software | number | font OCR: 000 Editorial written by D-TECT Editorial for this is that it took much time to Hello and welcome to the fascinating produce the first HACK-MAG and so some world of HACK-MAG. This is another articles became old ( e.g. Alcatraz innovative product of D-TECT, It was Party) . But we promise that we'll change this because there isn't much not easy for us to release this first issue, But finally we did it ! Now time until the next issue, By the way: expect many reactions of YOU 'cause we we We plan to release the HACK-MAG in a want to know what you think about our period of two months Now we don't want to hold you off to new mag Criticism and improvements are as welcome as articles about every- read the articles, It's not fine to fill this page with irrelevant gossip thing you would like to write about. In this first issue our main interest as other mags used to do it. (We don't is to know what you think about the want to attack a special group , new ideas like LOAD-WHILE-READING. We because it is not politet also want to know what you think about So finally we managed to fill this the layout. D-TECT is very proud to page wi thout talking irrelevant be the first diskmag with a 6 channel gossip. sound (composed by TAR) and a print option. A negative aspect of this Bye, bye first issue is that we have some THE HACK-MAG TEAM articles about things which are still published in other Mags . The reason HACK-MAG Prev. Page Next Page ฿ Print Page Table of Contents "Last Article Next ArticleM Load while HACK-MAG Issue #1 ₩- 3 Pages + 3 Pages ₩ Reading ON RELEASING DATE : 22.08.90 I First Page Last Page > PRE ON